What a great Friday I had, so I shall say 'thank God!' Sargent Art paint samples arrived for my upcoming projects, and I met my new intern, Kim Nguyen. Kim is a recent graduate from Ringling College of Art and Design and couldn't arrive at a better time. Check out and 'like' her artwork on

Let me enumberate some of the gifts Kim brings that are perfectly matched to my needs. 1. She is excellent with deadlines 2. She is an illustrator. For years I have wanted to write a book on recycled plastic art with instructions woven together with stories and illustrations. 3. She knows computers and social media. 4. She enjoys the plastic project, and 5. She is delightful.  All this from our the first meeting.

Soon, I will be diving into cutting and painting full time, so if you are interested in stopping by to help, please let me know. I have contacted people who, over the years, have contacted me about the recycled plastic process, asking them to send me pieces they created so that I can incorporate them into the ArtPrize installation.  I already have bottles coming from five different sources, from Washington State, Michigan, and Florida.

Since my Grand Rapids project is called "Bridging Communities" I am hoping to involve as many communities as I can. I am scheduled to work with the teachers at United Cerebral Palsy, looking to incorporate blossoms the students make. If you have a group and would like me to teach the bottle project so that your community can participate, please let me know. I have until early September to get 10,000 bottles cut and painted. I have launched a Kickstarter campaign if you would like to help me offset the expenses of this vision. In case you missed previous blog posts, I intend to incorporate 10,000 bottles into panels that will wrap the fencing around the Kent County Courthouse. I can picture it! Can you?

With all the help that is coming to my rescue, I am sleeping much better! I am also doing a 15 foot Christmas tree for Busch Gardens in Tampa. Busch Gardens has been wonderful, coordinating students and bottle collection for that project which I anticipate will take 3,000 bottles. In the meantime, they are helping me out by collecting bottles from their park for my ArtPrize entry.They did not blink at my request for 10,000.

I am so humbled when I reflect on how many people have helped me along the way. From teachers leading groups of students, to doctors mending broken branches of my wooden trees, friends dumpster diving, and so many people who encourage me daily. Years ago, I dreamed of and prayed for the opportunity to be able to create sculptures all over the country, involving the public. You, my friends, family, and supporters have made my dreams come true. There is no better gift.  




Display days...


Humble pie.