Rain Rain go away!
It turns out I have a fabulous spot right in the heart of things, AND in front of Taco Bob's. We were going to set up today but it was too rainy so we'll get an early start tomorrow. I connected with a local teacher who works with disabled adults from 18-26 years old. I gave her a bag of glitter and she is going to her students make bottle ornaments for me and drop them by, then the class is going to come visit me at ArtPrize.
I met one of my neighboring artists, a blacksmith/ metalworker from Canada. He installed a gorgeous giant colorful metal sculpture. It has so much movement it's hard to imagine how he was able to make thick steel look like flags and ribbons flying in the wind. I will post a photo of it soon.
We were able to visit a little town on Lake Michigan which was nice, sort of like Maine, but I am itching to get working on my project and play with the bags of colorful sparkly stuff in my car. I feel a little like what I imagine race horses feel when they are at the gate... waiting.