Lucille Ball, Mary Kay, and MacGyver

From the title it is evident that I watch entirely too much TV. The Lucille Ball moment came at a gas stop when the hatch accidentally opened on a gasoline stop and several bags of plastic tumbled out.  As soon as John stuffed two back in and three more would fall out. Too bad my video camera was buried deep in the suitcases though I guess John is spared some humiliation.

We are completely dependant on our side mirrors in light of zero visibility out of the back. Unfortunately, our parked car was side-swiped in a sleepy Indiana neighborhood BUT THE TREES ARE OK. John's sister scrambled through her garage and found an old mirror from her Mary Kay cosmetics days. I felt like such a Boy Scout. I had packed electrical, duct, painters, and packing tape in my tool box. (It's a good thing we didn't need scotch-tape.) We removed the Mary Kay pink plastic frame from the mirror, and with a little duct tape we are back in business.

Tonight is the artist party! I am curious what it will be like to mingle with artists from 44 states and 36 different countries. We hope to install the trees tomorrow,  though there is a likelihood of rain... bummer. I am so anxious to get set-up but we might have to wait until Tuesday. More later...


Rain Rain go away!


On my way... Walmart food review.