Straight A's, lentils, and fairy godmothers, or is it fairies godmother?
Basil babies waiting to put down roots...
True to form, I have wandered off with my camera battery, so until I put the pile of stuff on my dresser away, I guess I won't be posting pictures. I got some sour dough bread going this morning, and scanned through recipes for dinner. I kept coming up short one or two ingredients, then I heard from Natalie that she had made straight A's! I headed to the grocery store to pick up some flowers and a big red velvet cupcake. The flowers are fluorescent as are the leaves surrounding the blooms: spray paint. (What? Flowers don't come bright pink?) They are actually turning the water in the vase a lovely pink. I had the cupcake put in a smart little plastic take-out container, bagged seperately, but then decided to take all the groceries into the house at once. The cupcake tipped over, not unlike the fairy in my garden. I recollected an elderly relative who went to pick up pizza and tucked it under his arm vertically so that it sought its own level and became a calzone. Natalie still isn't home and doesn't know about the cupcake so....
One of her favorite casseroles awaits her and she doesn't have to know about the cupcake:
My friend Brenda's Rice Lentil Casserole
3/4 cups lentils (I really like the red ones best)
1/2 C brown rice
3 C chicken broth
1 onion chopped (which I did not have, thus the trip to the store)
1/2 tsp basil
1/4 tsp each garlic powder, thyme, oregano
3/4 C grated cheddar cheese
Place all but cheese in a casserole. Bake for 2 1/2 hours covered at 300 degrees. Top with cheddar.
Once I had the casserole in the oven, I had time to freak out and realized that the Festival of Trees is only 3 weeks away.I caught myself and reworded my train of thought: " I have a whole THREE WHOLE WEEKS to finish the ornaments for the tree!" Even if my garden fairy has her head in the dirt, I have friends who, like good fairies, keep dropping off bags full of bottles. Imagine my bliss when I opened a huge black trash bag to uncover dozens of 1 and 2 liter bottles. Yes Virginia, there is a fairy godmother. I spent the afternoon cutting bottles to "Cold Case" tv shows. It's better than when I was home sick from work for an extended period and resorted to Biography: The Life of Andre the Giant.