Judy Lamantia's Grapevine wreath with spiral cut plastic bottles.

1.Trim the leaves and 'sticky outy vine things' off of the wreath.

2.Cut the bottom off of the bottles. Then cut them into spirals, cutting off the bottle top. Next, cut the spiral in half, making two shorter pieces. Point the ends.

3.Start threading the spiral through the wreath. Sometimes just once, sometimes in and out, depending on what it does and how you want it to look.

4. Go all the way around and then go back and fill in until it's all nice and poofy.  

Once your spirals are cut you can put one together in less than 30 minutes with no tools but your own little hands!

Here's the springtime version:

You can contact Judy by email or message her on FB.


Alcohol ink egg tutorial... Vincent is always on my mind.


Making a wreath, parts 1-3