3 wishes, another box of goodies, and where is Jakarta?
A box arrived from Texas today, stuffed with over 200 gorgeous cut and painted bottles. I am humbled by the care and delicacy of the artist's work. I must find out how to make the beautiful pink fringe in the photo. It brings back a silly, happy memory of crimping my daughters' and their cousins' hair on a family vacation.I am touched by the generosity of people from all over the country working so hard for me, a complete stranger. And I am learning so much from them. I think we need to have an international conference!
Another friend is collecting recycled bottles from her daughters' Girls Scout troupe. She deserves a merit badge or at least several boxes of cookies. When I asked if the girls would cut them for me, she volunteered to do it! There is a teacher organizing her National Honor Society, a teacher working in Michigan so her students can add their pieces when I arrive, and yet another getting her art club in on the action. I may need to wrap a second building!
Kim (my faithful intern) and I cranked away at the finishing touches on our first 50 feet. You can't imagine how many bottles the panels gobble up (About 50 per square foot. I'll take pictures tomorrow.) It was so nice having Kim helping again today. Not only is it more fun working with a fellow artist, she has a great eye and helps guide me with design decisions, kindly reassuring me out of self-doubt. Yesterday, working by myself, I felt like I was muscling through. By the end of the day, I wanted to strangle the panels. I went to bed so frustrated, I got up and vaccuumed, for which everyone was grateful as there was a considerable glitter trail across the kitchen floor. I emptied the dishwasher, then plopped on the couch with my computer to check my email. A woman from Indonesia needed advice on a Christmas tree she is working on for her church. Someone half a world away helped resolve my day positively without even knowing it.
Only a few more weeks to go and we still don't know our travel plans or how we will get the massive project to Michigan. One complicating factor is that John is to begin radiation treatment and can only be away from the doctor a maximum of four days. Here are a few needs that you may be able to help with:
1. Does anyone know a freight shipper that loves the arts and would help us with shipping?
2. Does anyone have sky miles that are burning a hole in their suitcases?
3. Does anyone know a benevolent insurance agent who would donate a liability policy for the time the panels are on display at the courthouse? ( Insurance is required and not provided by the venue this time.)
Thursday, I visit United Cerebral Palsy to work with their students after school. I'm excited that as momentum grows, so does the realization of my vision, bridging communities through collaborative art. I'll dance to that!