Too much thinking and my prayer for the day.

"The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”
Frederick Buechner, Wishful Thinking: A Theological ABC

People have always told me that I think too much. I recently wrote about an interchange with my son, when he joined the minions who have said "You think too much." After years of experience,  I responded, "people have said that my whole life. It's not like I can control the volume of my thoughts. It just is. I think how ever much I think." Of course he responded, "which is too much."

This morning, I was thinking about the holy spirit being bread, a favorite Frederick Beuchner quote about our purpose in the world, and dim mirrors. I prayed 'Father in heaven,'  though I believe I might be better served to pray 'Mother in heaven' or 'Ultimate Reality' but that makes me nervous. It makes me worry that I need to add 'if that's ok with you father. '  I  do not always capitalize 'you' when addressing God (or god) because in the french Bible God/god is spoken to in the familiar. God doesn't just speak English and on tutoie dieu.  So here is how it went down on my yellow legal pad:

"Father in heaven,  I need your Holy Spirit because no matter how productive I am in a day, unless You full me with the gift of your Holy Spirit , I won't feel good about it at day's end. But if I ask for that gift, you promise to give it to me like a father gives a hungry child bread and not stones. And I will be able to go to sleep tonight having 'done well' the way Abel did. I will sleep a sleep of satisfaction. Fill me so that I can fill the deep longing of the world with the heart you fashioned to crave doing what the world needs.  You know my weaknesses and failings better than I do. Help me to change and overcome self-centered attitudes, anger, blame, shame, and greed, a list that comes readily to mind if I dare to give my sin a fleeting glance. Thank you that when I glance into that abyss, because you are with me, in me, and I am in you, instead of an endless black vaccuous hole, I see a dim reflection, a reflection that will be clear one day, of who I am in you."





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