My new flatware collection... the joy of the hunt!




You can pick up silver plated flatware odd pieces for a song, so I decided I wanted to change out my stainless steel for something a little more boho-chic. Here's the beginning of my collection. I fell short of my goal of no duplicates, but I'm pretty pleased with how the 'set' is coming together.

The pieces polished up nicely when I soaked them in water/soda/ salt solution. The tarnish lifted much more readily than the black Sharpie '$2' price marked in the bowl of several of the spoons. (2 T salt, 2T baking soda dumped onto a glass dish lined with foil. Add hot water and BAM you've got yourself some homemade dip-it. It is not safe on soft stone or pearls.)

My favorite piece is a fork with a figure on it, so I am narrowing my search for future purchases to: 'flatware with figures.'  I'm looking forward to shopping for something I can pick up for just a few dollars. I like to imagine that everyone who comes to my house will have favorites, 'their' fork, knife, and/or spoon. I know which one is mine!



Unhinged... the bracelet.


More toys!