New jammies and off to the park where everything is ducky...

Today,  I paired my hombre nails and Bohemian floral

with my smokin'  Mimi purse. I've been carrying the hot red as my neutral lately, which  might explain why I now have hot orange-red highlights in my hair. I was grumpy and color always cheers me up so I changed my Jamberry wraps. They have inspired me to take better care of my hands, hence a little less photoshopping  of my cuticles. Since I signed up as an independent consultant, I've decided to restore my art damaged hands.

I love all the colors in the universe!(except beige, haha.) I am greedy when it comes to colors and sets of colors. I go weak in the knees for fun innovative products that have cool colorful designs and I want allthecolors. I'm inventing a new word: allthecolors.

 One of my favorite children's books is Dinosaur Bob and the Family Lazardo. In the book the dad comes up with a solution to a problem in the middle of the night . The mother says something like "Don't worry kids, Dad never leaves the house in his pajamas unless he has a brilliant idea!" My brilliant idea was to put on new jammies and go feed the ducks. It wasn't until I was heading out of the door that I realized I should do a little mini-photo shoot.

This fella was much more impressed with my stale bread and I felt decidedly at risk as I tried to frame the shot. He has a nasty disposition and taking jabs at the other ducks was not beneath him.

After I ran out of bread crumbs I studied the Jamberrry catalog and was inspired to... well...


more wedding earrings!


Funny papers, Turkish lanterns, Pharell Williams and big dreams...