'M' is for the moon that hits our eyes in a big pizza pie...

I worked with borosilicate glass this afternoon and am looking forward to seeing how the swirling otherworldly colors and depth it produces will look in tablet shape. I finished up to find that my September Miche releases had arrived!  Oh, but now I have to wait a whole month for more. Here are my two favorites.Love the chain handle on the little butternut hip bag and I fell in love with the feathered looking fabric of the signature "M" when I was in the prototype room at the Miche conference. It  inspired my black bean pizza for dinner tonight. It is presently in the oven having been covered with chopped onions and roasted corn.I have taken to googling the paltry ingredients left in our larder in an effort to never have to go to the grocery store again. I think my days of being able to pull this off are numbered. (Here's a picture of our dinner hot out of the oven.)

A couple of days ago, John and I were able to get away to the beach. We watched the midnight moon's light show for well over an hour. I tried to snap a picture and this is the best I could do. Nothing could have matched what we saw anyway.  For a while I thought little glow in the dark fairies were dancing on the crests of the waves.


Onyx and cast iron skillets...


The latest!