Heaven sent bracelet...

John had to have a second eye surgery adding up to a grand total of 7 and a half hours of surgery in 6 days. Last weekend he was restricted to laying on his back and this weekend to his left side. Thankfully his macula was still attached. I guess if that detaches you have to lay on your stomach on a bed rigged with one of those massage table head rests. He has his 5th round of chemo on Monday.

I snapped a bunch of pictures so that I could work on my web site while I waited. I'm beginning to worry about myself because I find working on it strangely soothing. This picture of my Heaven Sent bracelet has stayed in my brain. I just love the colors. Now I need to make a necklace and earrings to finish out the collection. Otherworldly, don't you think?


Happy Easter


Three bird night...