Chili pie in the face, Simon!

My mom got me this little pie maker for my birthday so I tried it out tonight. I had some leftover chili, found a recipe for cornmeal pie crust and voila!  I put a little piece of Vegetal on top of the chili filling (even though my friend Shelly says 'never trust a cheese you don't have to refrigerate' and even though I never have Velveeta but they had it on the shelf with the Ro-tel tomatoes and I couldn't resist) popped on the top crust and in about 12 minutes we had dinner.

All evening I was trying to remember 'said the pie man to the ???' so I finally googled it. Apparently the nursery rhyme dates back to the 1600 or so informs that most reliable of sources, wiki. And the three stooges had their own version:

                                                                     Said the pieman to Simple Simon,
"Show me first your penny."
Said Simple Simon to the pieman,
"Scram! Ya don't get any!"
(And a pie in the face)


I'm half crazy, all for the love of you...
