Alouett-te Alouett-te
I've been figuring out how to code my website a.k.a. Dale's Rosetta stone. I managed to input Alouette and Dozen Roses necklaces with earrings and bracelets to match! First, I upload the necklace images and code,next I go make a bracelet and earrings to match and photograph them. Then, I figure out how to code those items and link them all together with the shopping cart and the gallery pages. Whaaaaaa! It is the craziest analytical/intuitive process you can imagine. I think it's a good thing I have to go and make jewelry in-between the computer steps. I'm not certain how I did it exactly and I sure hope I can repeat it tomorrow. There's one little quirky thing that isn't exactly right. I'm guessing I won't sleep tonight trying to figure it out.