Free shipping conundrum...
I've been losing my sanity updating my site. I'm such a one man show, although I wouldn't extend the hand-made pledge to web-site management. I'm getting there though. I offered free shipping, then forgot to let everyone know the code, so I changed the site so that the default is free shipping. The result of my html coding was that the check-out ceased to work altogether. John said I made the scariest face he's ever seen. He should just count his lucky stars I was looking at my computer screen and not at him.
I am reminded of a promotion I offered at a Valentine's party. I told customers to 'whisper sweet nothings' at check-out to get a discount, then forgot to tell my helpers. After the show, Susan asked why some lady kept whispering in her ear. Oh, the details I miss.
Doesn't this pendant look like dulce de leche? Hungry at the camera yet again...