dirty work studio space
I thought y'all might like to see where I make my glass forms, solder, assemble, and all that messy stuff. I am thinking of moving the assembly part into my new space but it's so pristine I may just make it into a museum.
Below is my glass bench. How could you not get inspired looking at all that Italian glass in the converted shoe cubby? A plastic necklace a student gave me is hanging on the window latch. Though my mini-blinds belie this, we do not have a cat. The blue box is my kiln where the glass goes after it melted, shaped, and decorated. You can barely see my little torch in the middle of the bench.
To the right is my tool bench where I used to assemble but I needed more table space. I have a drafting table in the middle of the room now but it is overflowing now so I may relocate to the big table we made for my glamorous new studio. I don't know if I can trust myself to be neat.
The last photo is of where I do my soldering of silver and copper. The painting is there to remind me to finish it, but I just keep moving it out of the way. Maybe I should put it into the museum I am going to make out of the new studio space.